Rania Naim

Writing makes me feel alive. Words heal me.

Sunsets Still Remind Me Of You

Because I haven’t been able to enjoy them without you. I can’t get lost in their beauty without remembering the pain. Because I realized they were only beautiful because you were by my side, now they just serve as a reminder that the day is over and they serve as a reminder that you’re no longer here with me.

10 Reasons Why You Haven’t Found The Right Person Yet 

You got used to your freedom, you got used to being your own decision maker and you got used to having complete authority over your life and sometimes when you’re too comfortable with your independence, it becomes harder to give it up.

For The Nights That I Miss You

I’ll let go. When I remember that you could’ve had me but you walked away, when I realize that you could’ve fought harder but you gave up and when I look back on all the times I’ve missed you but you didn’t miss me.