I Think This Is The Part Where I Move On For Good


I think this is the part where I delete our pictures because looking back at these memories is pointless now. There’s nothing to look back on. You’re a memory I’m no longer nostalgic for. I think this is the part where I make peace with the fact that we’re not getting back together and we’re better off dating other people. I think this is the part where I no longer fantasize about a future with you in it.

I think this is the part where I finally understand why we weren’t meant to be. The part where I realize that there’s someone out there better for me who checks all my boxes and treats me well and makes me realize that I was holding on to someone very wrong for me. I think this is the part where God shows me why you had to leave and why he had to replace you. I think this is the part where I’m finally okay with someone else replacing you. The part where I no longer miss you or think about you.

I think this is the part where I text all my friends and tell them that it’s over for good this time. Where I tell them not to mention your name anymore or tell me your updates or bring you up in any conversation. I think this is the part where all my friends know for sure that you’re old news and a topic that’s not worth a discussion anymore.

I think this is the part where I delete your number and unfollow you and erase everything that has your name on it because you’ve taken up so much space, so much time, so much energy and so much pain. You’ve used up all your credit. There’s nothing left for you here anymore. There’s no more life in me for you. There’s no more hope for us.

I think this is the part where I lose you and I win.

I think this is the part where I move on for good. This is where my name becomes attached to someone else and my life starts unfolding without you and I start driving freely on the highway, the wind blowing my hair and I’m smiling because I’m not thinking about trying to meet you halfway anymore.

I think this is the part where the movie ends and the credits start rolling and a happy song comes on because the girl with a broken heart finally found her happy ending. I think this is the part where the audience starts clapping because the girl with a broken heart is healing. 

I think this is the part where the movie ends without an epic comeback or one final kiss or closure. I think this is the part where there’s nothing more to say than goodbye……as the music slowly fades out.