I’m 24 And Lost And Completely Okay With That


“Are we all lost stars trying to light up the dark?” — Lost Stars

A single dot surrounded by a thousand words – that’s what I feel 2 years ago, a year ago, and as of this moment. How ironic that when I was in college, I know the path that I will take. But after graduating, I just seemed so lost. It makes me wonder if I am the only one like this feeling lost at 24 years old. I hope not..

Leaving the nest and flying to the big city, I may have taken the road not yet taken. Going out of my comfort zone, especially for an introvert like me, is like getting deeper into the woods. I sometimes ask myself “Who am I? What is my passion? What do I want to do with my life?” I barely know the woman I saw in the mirror for two years now. I wish to see the stars beyond this dark woods but the trees keep on blocking my horizon. I hope I am not alone here…

I’ve been struggling to find myself. I am trapped in this endless cycle. It’s not easy. It has been a burden all this time and all I could do is think about a non-existent solution. I know I’ll get by this but I’m not sure when will it be. I hope it comes sooner than later..

Sleepless night. No, I am not depressed. This is normal, right? We all get lost at one point in our lives. I guess it’s not yet my time. Maybe tomorrow I’ll find out the answer, who knows? I’ll still struggle waking up every morning until that day comes. I hope it will..

It’s a long night. Is someone out there? Can you hear me? I hope you can. I am lost but I can’t ask for help. My voice is silent but I found myself smiling despite everything. I have this feeling that I am not alone here and it comforts me somehow. I breathe.

And I realize that it’s okay to be lost at 24.

I’ll just take a stroll into this dark woods until I reach the end of it. I feel that someone out there is waiting for me. I hope there is…

I am a walking contradiction – seeking for answers but is afraid to know them as well. This is reality and not a makeup fantasy. And when I am able to pass this phase in my life, I’ll look back and remember my life’s lessons of getting lost, the sorrow, the struggle and seeing the horizon again.