Don’t Date The Guy Who Makes You Feel Like You’re Not Enough


As the iconic line goes “Am I not enough?”. We often hear this line in romantic movies and soap-operas. And I believe that a lot of women out there are asking the same question.

And ME? Yes, I have asked the same question a thousand times to my man and to myself until it hardly fucked my mind over and over and over…

We exchange sweet hugs and kisses, we cuddle up when it’s cold and hold hands under the warm sun while enjoying the summer breeze, we randomly say “te amo” which makes my heart skip a beat. He cooks breakfast when I am too sleepy to get up early, he pulls me back to bed when I am ready to leave for work, He hugs me tighter before giving a kiss goodbye, He asks how was my day and waits for me to arrive home.

I was excited to see him when we were younger,then I got too much excited when we grew older, I was so much excited to see him, to hold him, to smell his perfume all over his body.

Everything seems fine, everything seems perfect, My every thing is HIM…

Until one day… Little by little, my heart went full of worries instead of love.

His words became less as well as his actions. Until my eyes won’t meet his, Until those te amos don’t feel like the way they were before, until he wrapped his arms around me and it felt ice cold.

And my every thing started looking for someone else. That’s when I started asking “Am I not enough?” I asked a hundred times and he said “No, to me you are enough.” But his actions speak the truth, and they speak differently. Am I not enough?

To my dearest girls, the moment you ask the same question is the same moment you get your answer. When he makes you question your worth, When he spends time talking and calling other girls, when he makes you one of his options rather than one of his priorities then it’s a YES. Yes, you are not enough.

When he adds more on your insecurities, when he insults you in public and thought it was just a joke, when he sees the worst in you rather you being in your bestest then it’s a Yes.

And so to you my most precious gem, Learn to see your worth from the man you love without the need to ask.