Nikita Gill

Nikita is the author of Your Soul Is A River and Your Heart Is The Sea.

I Admit I Still Think Of You

When someone has taken up permanent residence in a corner of your heart, but been temporary in your life, you will always remember them.

Why I Am No Longer Looking For A Soulmate

Who was the person who had always held my heart and treated it with the utmost care? Who was the person who gently nursed it back to health each time? Who was the person who deserved my gentle heart more than anyone I had given it to? The answer was always there. It was me.

10 Things That Happen Right After You Leave A Longterm Abusive Relationship

You realise you have to learn who you are all over again. Abusive relationships drain your personal energy, they rely heavily on making you forget who you are independent of that toxic human in your life. You remember attributes of your own that you had to hide away in order to appease this toxic person. You learn how to allow those attributes to flourish.

When The Messy Girl Falls In Love

Every year she promises herself that she’ll be better, every new year’s resolution is the same. But sometimes flaws talk so loudly that just existing causes her enough pain.

You Are Never Too Late For Love

You are never too late for love. Even if you are the last person amongst your friends to marry, still waiting for the right kind of person with a big enough heart and the kind of softness you have needed, don’t settle for anything less than a love that always makes you hopeful.