3 Friends You Can Never Seem to Let Go Of (Even Though They’re Kind Of Annoying)


We all have a few people from our group of friends that we have some choice words for at times. They’ll continuously hurt us or let us down, but we keep letting them come back. If this were a boyfriend most people would have said adios a long time ago, but they tend to be our best friends and sometimes our best friends are more like family than our bloodline.

1. The One Who Always Chooses Him

No matter what, she will always choose her boyfriend over you. You’ll have plans set for weeks and at the very last minute she’ll cancel them because something came up with him. She’ll bring him absolutely everywhere with her, even when you may think it’s a girls’ night — it won’t be. Because of this, you’ll never fully develop a friendship with him. You always see him as a problem that you can seem to get rid of. Even when you try to talk to her about it, the same arguments become exhausting and eventually you’ll give up on even trying to change things.

Why you can’t let her go: She’s been your best friend forever and she always will be. She’s your oldest friend, and know that deep down she’ll always be there for you when you need her. There’s no sense fighting over this guy because whatever happens with them, you know you’ll be there — whether it’s standing next to her on the alter or loading up on Ben and Jerry’s when things go south. Plus, she can never say anything if you ditch plans for some romance with your man!

2. The One Who Always Complains

When the phone rings, it’s that one friend who only calls to vent about things you’ll most likely avoid answering. You know that the minute you pick up that she will be complaining about a guy she can’t stand or how her roommate is being a bitch. It’s the same stories day after day and you are getting too old for the petty drama. Sometimes she’ll call and start the conversation off like she’s interested in what you have to say, but it will always end with an ulterior motive about her needing someone to listen to her life. These are the type of people that I like to refer to as “drama imaginators.” They literally get so bored with their life that they have to make a big deal about any little thing that bothers them. And you’re the lucky ear that gets to listen!

Why you can’t let her go: This one’s simple! She’s always there to lend her ear! She kind of has to be. So when you have something major going on that you just need an intense vent sesh to blow off your steam — you know she’ll always answer the phone. Even if she only listens to your problems for ten minutes before she’s moved on to hers, at least you got it out of your system, right?

3. The Constant Texter

This is the friend who will literally text you every single day, whether it’s trying to make plans or just sending you a random emoji. She just loves the attention of talking to someone on a daily basis. I am definitely not one for texting someone every day so this friend is especially annoying. Sometimes you’ll feel that you are always telling her you’re busy, but remember she’s probably texting you three times in one day seeing if you are free! You almost want to flip out and tell her to leave you alone.

Why you can’t let her go: But you won’t flip out because you know that if you ever need a night out, she’ll be there to answer the invitation. Whether it’s a short coffee date or a drunk night out in the city, she’ll be around to help take your mind off of whatever you need to escape from.

featured image – 30 Rock