27 Men Who Took Back Their Cheating SO Share Why And Whether It Was Worth It Or Not

21. “If Only I Show Her I Love Her”

Because I truly thought that if I could show her how much I loved her that she would change. She didn’t…

22. She Was So Remorseful

Because I loved her, and she had so much sorrow and remorse in her voice when she came clean. It was just a one time thing, and I believe people can evolve positively as people. I think the “once a cheater, always a cheater” mentality is total bullshit. I cheated when I was younger and I have grown as a person and would never do such a thing today since I have a better understanding of how my actions affect other people.

We ended up breaking up but only because we drifted apart years later and fell out of love, not for a singular, concrete reason.

23. Both Working To Make It Better

Me and girlfriend hit a rough spot about a year ago. I was distracted with battling my ex to get to see my daughter so I didn’t give her much attention which was totally my fault.

At the same time she was having a hard time with the fact that I had a daughter at all and didn’t know how to support me in my battle for seeing my daughter.

Seeing it all in the rear view mirror, she did the only thing she could have by listening to me and seeing it all from a different point of view. The thing that led to it all was failing communication between us and one day a coworker that we both saw as a friend took advantage of her insecurities.

Not saying that she isn’t to blame for what happened, she knew what she was doing, but I understand her reasoning at the time. She needed some attention and love, and I didn’t give it to her.

It happened in September last year, but I first found out in the start of January when she came clean about it. She was very humble about it and expected to be thrown out the door, but I just couldn’t kick her out.

Our relationship had moved on to something much better, with great communication and her getting used to the thought of me having a daughter. Well, now, 9 months after I found out, we are still going strong and I love her more than ever. We still got some issues with it, but are very good to talk about it, so I’m positive that everything is gonna end up very well for us!

24. Don’t Want To Give Up

Going through this right now, actually. It came out of nowhere two years into our relationship. We’re doing therapy to try to figure things out. I still love her – and she claims to still love me – but I’m not sure if I’ll ever be capable of respecting or trusting her again.

I guess the main reason I’m trying to work through this with her is that every regret I have in life has stemmed from giving up when things became too difficult. I don’t want that to happen with the woman I planned to spend the rest of my life with. The odds are slim to none, but dammit we have to try.

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