14 People Confess To How They Became Cheaters And Why Most Don’t Plan On Stopping

13. A Dead Bedroom

No sex for two years now. Have only done it three times. I don’t know if I regret it or plan on it again. Love him too much to just leave but hate the idea of him finding out and hurting him.

But I have needs too! I know its not right how much I could hurt him if he finds out.

14. Loves Falling In Love

Falling in love is amazing, and I’m addicted to it. In fact, it’s thrilling. Everything is new, fresh, and exciting. Even the prospect of it excites me. It’s a disease that effects every relationship I’ve ever been in.

With that said, I love my current girlfriend, and I’ll probably marry her someday. We’ve been together for a year and we’re still going strong. I still struggle with these feelings, though, and I think I will for the rest of my life. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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