Why Life Transitions Are The Best Times To Make New Habits (Even When Things Are Crazy)


Most of us have strong feelings about habits.

We love the ones that help us be better and we hate the ones that hold us back. But have you ever thought about how habits affect our happiness?

Today’s guest on The School of Greatness podcast has thought a lot about this.

Gretchen Rubin is a hugely successful author and blogger (and former attorney) who researches the best ways to create happy, healthy lifestyles.

In her newest book, she studies how to use your personality strengths and weaknesses to mindfully create habits that work to your advantage. On a deeper level, she talks about how all of the small daily choices we make add up to our whole lives, and how we can save energy by making good choices a habit.

I loved connecting with and learning from Gretchen in this conversation and can’t wait for you to as well in Episode 187 with Gretchen Rubin.

“It doesn’t matter what you’re thinking. It matters what you’re doing.”

Some questions I ask:

  • What are the questions you can ask yourself to discover how to become happier?
  • What’s the one habit that gives you the most freedom in your daily life?
  • How does money play with happiness?

In this episode, you will learn:

  • The 4 Tendencies of How We Meet Expectations
    • Obligers – people who meet others’ expectations but not their own
    • Upholders – people who meet others’ and their own expectations
    • Questioners – people who question every expectation – they need reasons for everything
    • Rebels – people who resist all expectations
      Habits are all about decision-making: behaviors that are on auto-pilot
  • Why life transitions are the best times to make new habits (even when things are crazy)
  • What kind of lifestyles cause unhappiness

Plus much more…

“It’s better to do something as a habit than not at all.”

This post originally appeared at LewisHowes.com.