The Day You Leave Her


The day you leave her
make sure not to leave anything behind
because she will search her whole home
for anything that screams out your name.

The day you leave her
give her your most beautiful kiss
so that she will have one last piece of you
painted on her lips for forever.

The day you leave her
don’t look back on your rearview mirror
as you pull away.
She will be standing in her driveway
trying to hold her heart together.

The day you leave her
do not call her weeks later
telling her you miss her.
She won’t be able to hold
that kind of pain in her hollow chest.

The day you leave her
don’t you dare come back.
Because even though she will wish
with every cell in her heart for your touch,
she knows she’s better off alone
than ever being with someone who had
the audacity to run in the first place.