10 Beauty Resolutions For 2015


A new year is upon us! Last year, I made a list of my beauty resolutions for 2014, and I think I did pretty well. But there’s always room for improvement, so here’s my list for 2015. Share yours in the comments below!

1. Relax. I think my tendency to stress out about little things, especially when I’m supposed to be sleeping, has an effect on my overall appearance. I’m not good at relaxing, but I’d like to be.

2. Do more face masks. They’re fun and beneficial. Why don’t I do them more often?

3. Eat better. My skin was the best it’s ever looked when I went gluten and sugar-free. I had a giant green smoothie (spinach, avocado, blueberries, half a banana) for lunch every day. I was glowing, for serious. I’ve fallen off the wagon – hello, holidays – but I’m going to get back on in the New Year and focus on eating more fish and greens and far, far less junk. Focusing on getting fresh produce a few times a week at the grocery store should help me stay on track.

4. Exercise! More than a half-assed attempt once a week, too. I want to sweat more, get in better shape and really make an effort to get my heart rate up more often AND get stronger.

5. Drink less booze. I want to try to cut down my drinking and see if it has any impact on my skin. Right now, I’m thinking no drinking on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. I know that cutting out the two glasses of wine I find myself drinking almost every night will help me lose a little weight, too, which wouldn’t be a problem.

6. Make sure my face is washed every single night – and washed well. I tend to fall asleep in my makeup at my boyfriend’s house, but I can’t do that anymore! I refuse to let myself go to bed without washing my face. Buying a huge stack of white washcloths has really helped me get the gunk and makeup out of my skin. As long as you scrub gently, they won’t irritate or over-exfoliate.

7. Clean my goddamn cell phone. It never really leaves my hand, so it’s filthy. I need to remember to clean it once or twice a day to cut down on gross germs that will eventually touch my face.

8. Get more regular haircuts. I’m really terrible at getting my ragged ends trimmed more than twice a year. I love my stylist, so I’m not sure why I don’t see her more. The experience is never painful, and I always feel so much better and lighter when I’m done. Why do girls put haircuts off? It’s not like going to the dentist.

9. Stop focusing so much on how I look. I know that as a beauty writer, this won’t be easy, but living in Instagram culture sometimes makes me harder on myself than I would be otherwise. I want to focus on not comparing myself to other girls and getting jealous of their skin/hair/lives. It’s not worth it.

10. Learn how to blow out my own hair. HAHA. False. This will never happen. But I can give it a try.