Don’t Get Discouraged


Things can be confusing when you’re still figuring things out in your life. That’s just a part of the human experience. It’s normal to feel uneasy sometimes but it is important not to let your challenges get the best of you. Do not let yourself feel discouraged because then the ghoulish dark night of your soul will drag you into an eternal abyss of anxiety and eat your brain.

Don’t let that happen! It’s possible to avoid! You have to be cavalier and work through your problems like a grown-ass man / person. Don’t start wearing scarves and doing drugs and wasting your time on the internet.

Before you know it, you’ll end up like this guy:

Listening to rock and roll…

Crying on the phone…

It’s not worth it. You can always do better than you think you can. There are opportunities waiting for you, inside of your mind, which you must manifest.

It might feel like you have a heavy load right now. It might feel like you have a lot to handle. It might even feel like there is something else out there for you.

Well, maybe there is. Maybe you are not on the right path. Let me ask you this: are you in touch with your deepest desires? Do you know what you want out of this life? Do you even know what is possible in the world?

To be fair, you could have something serious is getting in your way. If that’s the case, there’s probably something you can do to fix it. You could have an incurable, malignant brain tumor that is affecting the way you perceive life. Or you could just be hungry.

Whatever it is, people are out there to help you. You’re not alone in your troubles. You can go to the grocery store, talk to a nice mom who works there, ask her where to get the ingredients to make a pizza, ask her if she knows of a suicide hotline that you can call. Society exists because humans need each other to fulfill their own personal desires.

If that doesn’t help you- try researching some programs or activities that you are interested in. Find out what’s available in your community- it’s easy and advantageous to start local! Learn from other people who have had similar life experiences. Use the internet for something productive and connect with the people who can steer you on the right path. The world is full of unsuspecting enjoyments. You just need to be proactive and find them!