Date A Man That Pursues You For The Right Reasons


You are to be pursued.
Not because you’re beautiful.
Not because you’re smart.
Not because you’re funny.
But that could add up to the WHYs.

You are to be pursued.
Not for money.
Not for fortune.
Not for fame.
And certainly not for silly games.

You are to be pursued.
Not through chocolates and flowers.
Or cuddling for long hours
And absolutely not through hollow, nonsensical groups of words.

You are to be pursued.
Not for sole possession.
Not for child conception.
And strongly not for one’s collection
Because those are selfish reasons.

You are to be pursued.
Not because of limited choices.
Or inescapable circumstances.
And other lame excuses.
You deserve way way more than that.

You are to be pursued.
Not because you want to.
Not because they need to.
But because you are YOU.
And that’s more than enough reason to argue.

You are to be pursued.
Says the One who initiated it
Thousand years ago.
On that sacred cross, He did.

You are to be pursued.
The same way He has pursued you.
Purely out of love and devotion.
You are to be cherished
And appreciated.
And loved.
And most of all, you ought to know that you’re worth it
And you deserve this.
More, YES, but never LESS.