5 Pros And Cons Of Dating A Grown-Ass Man That Women Need To Be Aware Of


I bet we all have come across with grown-ass men, but most of you just don’t dig them right? Right? I know! I totally understand! Admit it! We women are all princessy type and we want to be treated like one. Don’t push it though. I’m dating one for 6 years now (Check out 13 Ways You Know You’re Dating A Grown-Ass Man: my partner got a freakin’ 12 out of 13! ). Imagine my pain! Yes, pain, because if there’s a checklist on how to scale an immature woman, I’d probably ace it. Don’t get me wrong, I love my man, I really do. But being the man that he is, and being the woman that I am, it gets exasperating at times. Surprisingly, there are perks too! Things you probably don’t notice because you are too engrossed focusing on things you don’t get out of the relationship. Don’t lose hope, women! Time will come you’ll realize it did more good to you than harm. Believe me, I know.


I remembered asking him one time if he’ll still love me when I get fat, and like every other girl, I expected a heartwarming “Of course I will!” or “What are you even talking about?!”. Instead, I got a pause, a sigh and a “You won’t get fat!” , “You shouldn’t get fat!”, “Will you be happy when you get fat?”. Oh I tell you, right in that moment, I just wanted to punch him on his face and break him into pieces!Mature men are like that, direct and upfront.

Did I mention I got abs now? Not to brag, but yes, I do! I wasn’t sure if that comment got into me but I know it was one of the reasons I decided to become fitter. You see, if he wasn’t honest, I’d probably be weighing more than I should because at the back of my mind (considering I love eating) I’d be thinking, “he wouldn’t mind anyway!” until one day, you’d find yourself in the shower, not able to see your toes and it’s too late. Will you be happy when that happens? I don’t think so. You will regret it. You can never go wrong with them. They are genuine and won’t mislead you. Now, I couldn’t be happier because not only did I get my dream body, I am healthier too!


My man is so damn goal-oriented it intimidates me sometimes. Have you ever felt like you should keep up, run like his own pace? It seemed condescending. At least it is to me.

Bragging a little, I did graduate college with flying colors, got a job ever since, achieved things I’m proud of. All I’m saying is I have reached my fullest potential like I am meant to. Grown up men are not insecure so they push you. I tell you, dating someone you can look up to is actually a treat! It can definitely take you to places you thought you couldn’t grow to. They inspire you, show you a different kind of world, a world where you can stand and succeed on your own. Despite this, you will always be reminded that he’s got your back no matter what.


I’m just like every other girl, who likes to be swept off her feet, who likes to hear flattering words, who likes to be swooned with romance everytime. Nope. Wake up woman! If we are dating the same kind of guy, stop your fantasy right there. Not gonna happen every friggin time.
Can you believe that after 6 long years, I still got this so called “butterflies in the stomach” thing? Yup, I’m one of the lucky women who still got it. Because they’re the type of men who don’t always give their best foot forward, you always have something to look forward to. You’ll never get bored nor get tired of them. If he ever mentioned you’re pretty? Believe me, you must’ve been a goddamn goddess that night. The spark will always be there, it’s refreshing, because every experience just feels so brand new!


This one I’m definitely not proud of, I can’t believe I’m even saying this ( Condemn me if you must), but sometimes, I feel like I should be given attention first before his family. I know, I know, I’m guilty! It’s selfish so don’t even think about it. Mature men have strong family ties. With them, it will always be family first.

What have I been even thinking?! Of course there are more perks of dating someone who genuinely loves his family. Can you imagine your husband ditching you because he wants to be around his friends or whoever more than you and your children? We wouldn’t want that, do we? So just hang on, you will get your turn.


I’ve never seen my man jealous. Well, not that I know of, he never admits it anyway. We, women once in a while want to see our partners get a little jealous, right? Cos if they don’t, we would automatically assume they don’t care and they love us less. I feel you! Men who exude confidence are sure of themselves.

They trust you and find no reason to get jealous. That, you should keep in mind.

I’m one of the fortunate women who do have a life aside from my partner. I can do whatever I want. Of course I have limits but it has never been an issue. You’ll love it I’m telling you. You, dating men like them, can explore, discover, travel, etc. whatever it is you want to do. You can be the best version of yourself because you are free. They want you to grow, to be happy. They will be your number one supporter, even your number one fan. And I think that’s the most important part, that you, even with or without him, are happy.  In the end, you’ll never resent him, instead, you’ll find yourself loving him even more. 

Grown-ass men. If only they were easier to find. Click here to read hilarious true stories one woman’s search for a grown-ass man of her own.