If He Does These 15 Things, He Likes You, But He Doesn’t Like You ENOUGH

Twenty20, kirillvasilevcom
Twenty20, kirillvasilevcom

1. He likes you enough to admit that he misses you and that he wants to hang out. But he doesn’t like you enough to actually pick a day and plan out what you’re going to do together.

2. He likes you enough to let his jealousy show whenever you mention another boy. But he doesn’t like you enough to stop flirting with other girls.

3. He likes you enough to privately message you whenever you post a hot Instagram picture. But he doesn’t like you enough to change his relationship status on Facebook.

4. He likes you enough to sleep with you. But he doesn’t like you enough to stick around and cuddle once the sex is over.

5. He likes you enough to kiss you and hold your hand inside of his own home. But he doesn’t like you enough to do those same flirty things in public.

6. He likes you enough to get upset whenever it takes you a little too long to reply to him. But he doesn’t like you enough to answer your messages in a timely manner.

7. He likes you enough to hint at how he feels about you. But he doesn’t like you enough to actually open his mouth and explain his feelings and expectations about your ‘relationship.’

8. He likes you enough to invite you back to his place to hang out. But he doesn’t like you enough to take you on an official date at a half-decent restaurant.

9. He likes you enough to send you heartfelt texts for your birthday. But he doesn’t like you enough to buy you actual gifts on your birthday.

10. He likes you enough to stay up until 3AM talking to you about inside jokes and television shows. But he doesn’t like you enough to allow those conversations to turn deep and meaningful.

11. He likes you enough to ask for nudes. But he doesn’t like you enough to take couple pictures with you and post them on social media.

12. He likes you enough to promise you summer trips to Disney and weekend getaways in the mountains. But he doesn’t like you enough to actually follow through on any of those promises.

13. He likes you enough to get completely wasted with you. But he doesn’t like you enough to hang out when you’re both sober.

14. He likes you enough to hardcore flirt whenever he runs into you. But he doesn’t like you enough to go out of his way to contact you so you can continue the flirting.

15. He likes you enough to admit that he has feelings for you. But he doesn’t like you enough to actually do something about it and officially turn you into his girlfriend. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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