Don’t Be Afraid To Follow Your Dreams


People often seek conversation starters to see how miserable their lives are or how they once thought of doing something extremely wild but rubbished it later under the wrath of acting mature. It is true that realising what can be done and what can be avoided is a difficult decision to make and is quite frequently overcome by the excuses of our surroundings or the lack of knowledge in our heads.

The first step comes towards the realisation of your life goals. It could be career-oriented or simply the idea of visiting countries and experiencing cultures. It could be a small idea of learning a new language or a huge change of moving into a different city. It doesn’t matter how big or small your idea is, how huge is the reach of it. What’s more important is that it should matter to you enough that you can define your choices to reach there.

Next, is understanding the need of planning. Waking up to the idea of it and reaching there would first need you to plan the small steps. Planning big is important but achieving is not just a goal but a journey. You need patience and perseverance to get what you want. And this requires extensive research. By that, I don’t mean just googling people’s opinions but actually reaching out to people who have been there or are part of the journey. It is important to get in the vicinity of your dream life and get acquainted with the journey you are headed to.

The next point is to understand the fine line of being content with your life and the desire to achieve more. This will be a part of your life whether or not you have achieved your goals or are planning to. Learn to love the way your life is and have confidence in you that you achieved all this by yourself. Whatever you have planned ahead, you have the capability of achieving it.

The most underestimated feeling is FEAR.

What lies deep within, is the fear of starting over. The fear of failure, the fear of being misguided by the overpowering thoughts and the fear of being vulnerable about the idea of your life. The fear of being judged, the fear of being the odd one.

But, what most of us don’t realise is that each one of us is weird in our own ways. That’s what makes us human. Some of us show it to the world and some of us keep it hidden. Don’t be afraid to follow what makes you happy. Because in the end, isn’t that what life is all about? Making choices and living with them. It’s up to you to decide whether you want it to be a regretful one, the ignorant one or the lively one?

Even if you don’t know the ultimate goal of your file, it’s okay. You can start doing what you love or at least get up from your seats and start exploring.

“Make way for your life to be and see it unfold right in front of your eyes.”

Don’t be afraid to follow what makes you happy. Because in the end, isn’t that what life is all about? Making choices and living with them. It’s up to you to decide whether you want it to be a regretful one, the ignorant one or the lively one?

“Don’t make life happen to you, make you happen to life!”