5 Telltale Signs You’re Just A Booty Call Even If You Thought It Was Something Serious


I’m not what you would call “old and wise,” but I have definitely had my fair share of dating experiences. I’m sure many of you have been in a situation where you think you are exclusive with someone, but it turns out he was seeing someone else all along. Even if there weren’t any labels, it still pains you to know you were not the first and foremost girl in his love life. As it turns out, you were just a booty-call.

So, in order to save many of you from worrying and possibly heartbreak in the future, I have come up with 5 main warning signs that should raise your suspicions in your so-called relationship:

1. He decides one random day to change his appearance.

He knows you care about him no matter how he looks already, so why is he trying to change his appearance all of the sudden? If you start to notice your guy is dressing more preppy these days rather than his hipster-self, just rejoined the local gym, or just started shaving his beard daily even though he knows you like it, this sadly may be a red flag.

2. He is secretive with his phone.

Most people might say that it is a good sign when a guy doesn’t use his phone when he is with you. Although this may be the case every now and then, I’m going to have to disagree. When a guy puts his phone up the entire night that he is spending with you, there might be someone else trying to reach him. I mean, honestly, who doesn’t have their phone by them in 2015? Chances of him not having to even touch his phone the entire night is super-duper rare. He might think that by not using it at all, you won’t be suspicious or accidentally see the name “My Bae” pop up on his screen. So, if his phone is rarely seen when you are around, it may be time to gain some suspicions.

3. He would rather not meet your friends.

He asks you to come over, but when you tell him you are with a friend and invite him over instead, he all of a sudden gets busy… now, I’m calling BS on this one. This is a clear sign he probably isn’t looking for anything serious. If he was, he would be honored to meet your friends and want to get to know them and grow connections with them. If he always makes steps to avoid you unless you are alone, he might honestly be looking to hookup, without strings attached. I hate to sound harsh, but from personal experiences, this is completely 100% true.

4. He rarely gets in touch with you.

Sure, he might text you every now and then asking what you’re up to, but if he rarely initiates the conversations, barely calls you, and only talks to you when he wants you to come over during the evening, he’s probably using his time on his phone talking to the girl above you on his “To-Do List.”

5. He makes plans with you within a two-hour time slot, specifically at night.

If he truly and desperately wanted to spend time with you one day, he would text or call a few days before he wants to see you. Hell, even the morning of the time he wants to see you would be nice. But, if this guy is texting you at 9 pm asking what you are up to and expecting you to be free right then-and-there, you are most likely a side-chick. He has someone else that is his priority, and he knows you are most likely going to be available whenever he wants you to be. So, he asks you to hang out when the priority girl(s) has already made plans.

Overall, if you see that you are trying so much more than he is in your so-called “relationship”, then is he being completely honest with you when he says he isn’t seeing anyone else?