16 Little Fall Things That Remind Us Of Each Myers-Briggs Personality Type

ESFP: When the leaves burst into an array of beautiful colors.

Sasquatch I
Sasquatch I

ESFPs are all about the aesthetic – and is there anything more aesthetically pleasing than the fabulous color scheme of Autumn leaves? The colors that emerge in the fall are as varied, cheerful and pleasing as the ESFP themselves. Something about the fall colors makes you feel warm and welcomed by the season – in classic ESFP fashion.

ENTJ: The crisp morning air that leaves you refreshed and ready for the day.

Bhanu Tadinada
Bhanu Tadinada

While your summertime walks to work leave you sweating and sluggish by the time you reach the office, the crisp Autumn air does the opposite – it wakes you up and leaves you feeling refreshed and ready for the day. Just like the powerful ENTJ personality, Autumn mornings prime you for productivity and leave you feeling clear-headed and focused.

ISFJ: Wrapping both hands around a warm cup of tea when you get home.

Mo Riza
Mo Riza

Warm, comforting and tranquil, coming home to a warm cup of tea is an experience that can only be topped by coming home to an ISFJ. This type is as gentle, soothing and inoffensive as a well-brewed cup of tea. Exactly what you want at the end of a long day.

INFJ: Oversized fall sweaters.

Jonas Weckschmied
Jonas Weckschmied

Intricate, protective and sheltering, the INFJ and the fall sweater have a great deal in common. Just like no two fall sweaters are exactly the same (even the mass-produced H&M cardigans must all have a stitch or two of difference if you look closely enough), no two INFJs are exactly alike either. They come in all shapes and patterns and you’ll be left marvelling at their complexity every time.

ENTP: Halloween


Is there a single type more devilishly mischievous than the ENTP? Surely not. Halloween seems to have been invented just for this type. For one night, they can prank, dupe and deceive to their hearts content. And nobody can argue with their antics.

ESTJ: Daylight Savings Time.

David Michalczuk
David Michalczuk

Turning the clocks back an hour may depress us a little, but it just makes sense. And if there’s any type that isn’t afraid of a little inconvenience in favour of practicality, it’s the ever-efficient ESTJ.

ISTJ: Celebrating Thanksgiving.

PROJohn Morgan
PROJohn Morgan

Thanksgiving is a holiday that is steeped in tradition, and if there’s any type that values tradition, it’s the ISTJ. This type tends to know the exact history behind any given holiday and Thanksgiving allows them the chance to educate their friends and families on that history, without anyone being allowed to complain (too much).

ESFJ: The return of your favorite TV shows.

The Mindy Project
The Mindy Project

Dramatic, entertaining and always right on time, your favourite TV shows have a great deal in common the ESFJ personality. Welcoming back your favourite fall line up of sitcoms and Reality programs feels like welcoming back an old friend – and if anyone makes for a great friend, it’s the ESFJ.

ISTP: Flannel shirts.

Louis Beche
Louis Beche

Practical, rugged and accidentally cool, the flannel shirt has a great deal in common with the ISTP. This garment puts comfort and practicality first – just like the ISTP, who probably can’t understand why fake flannel is even a thing.

INFP: Curling up next to the fireplace with a good book.

terren in Virginia
terren in Virginia

The sweet mix of peace, relaxation and wild imagination can only truly be attributed to the INFP personality type. Spending time around an INFP is like spending time curled up next to a blazing fire – it warms your heart and puts your mind at ease.

ENFP: Making a huge pile of leaves and then jumping in it.

Kenny Louie
Kenny Louie

If there’s any type that maintains the enthusiasm of childhood right through to adulthood, it’s the ENFP. This type welcomes fall with all of the joy and enthusiasm of children – and they indulge in many of the same activities.

ISFP: Infinity scarves.

Wicker Paradise
Wicker Paradise

Though something about the effortlessly cool infinity scarf seems undeniably ISFP-esque, this really extends to all fall fashion. If there’s anyone we can count on to be up on the newest trends for fall, it’s the ISFP. Their aesthetic is hopelessly on point at all times, and the rest of us only try to keep up.

ESTP: Stepping on a crunchy leaf and feeling pleased with yourself.

Jeremy Mikkola
Jeremy Mikkola

Every once in a while, a particular sensory experience is so intensely satisfying that we can’t even figure out why it feels so good. Welcome to the entire life of the ESTP. This type is incredibly in tune with the world around them and they live for those little moments of sensory pleasure. Life is one, big crunchy leaf to them.

INTP: No Shave November.

Scott Akerman
Scott Akerman

INTPs remind us of No Shave November not just because they seem to LOVE participating in it (A socially acceptable reason to neglect personal hygiene? Awesome.) but because they are likely to actually know and understand the cause behind it. Which is more than we can say for all the bros who just want to show that they are, in fact, capable of growing a moustache.

ENFJ: Finding the perfect pumpkin in the pumpkin patch.

John Trainor
John Trainor

Days at the pumpkin patch aren’t just about collecting a Halloween decoration – they’re about bringing together family to bond and relish in the beautiful fall season. And if any type enjoys bringing people together in a meaningful way, it’s the ENFJ. This type enjoys the process of pumpkin-hunting almost as much as they enjoy finding the perfect one to garnish their doorstep.

INTJ: Going back to school.

Michael D Beckwith
Michael D Beckwith

It’s no secret that the INTJ’s favorite part of the fall season isn’t the crisp air or the pumpkin pie – it’s the opportunity to return to a structured form of education. Fall kicks off the school season and while most students accept this with a mixture of disdain and apprehension, the INTJ could not be more pleased. The return to school means they are right back where they belong.Thought Catalog Logo Mark

thumbnail image – chefaniesteng

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