How To Know Whether You’re Actually Suffering From A Mental Disorder


In my practice and my life I’ve helped hundreds of people overcome feelings of depression, anxiety, low self-esteem and more in usually only 3-6 sessions.

Clients in Toronto, Ontario, and abroad sometimes come to me as their last hope. They’ve been to doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, therapists, and other health care practitioners.

These apparent specialists have given these poor people a long list of disorders, illnesses, and clinical conditions.

Someone has depression, another person severe depression, another major depression, and another clinical depression. Then there’s bipolar, OCD, generalized anxiety disorder, PTSD, and many more.

The client walks in feeling bad, and walks out with a whole bag of negative and disempowering labels.

Whenever I tell people “you don’t have depression”, some of them freak out! “What do you mean I don’t have depression!? I always feel down. I don’t enjoy anything anymore. And I cry myself to sleep”.

I tell them “I know that what you’re feeling is 100% real. I fully and completely understand how you feel. Since I understand, you deserve the truth so you can live your life empowered”.

The truth is that, generally speaking, anybody can feel depressed, anxious, bad about themselves, and so forth. The same way that most people can gain weight.

If somebody is 300 pounds, the reality is that they are 300 pounds.

If somebody feels depressed, the reality is that they feel depressed.

The thing to note is that being 300 pounds is usually not a disorder, illness, or clinical condition. Again, generally speaking, someone who weighs 300 pounds does things radically different than someone who is fit.

What are you eating? When are you eating it? How often do you exercise?

If someone is 300 pounds but eats well and exercises, then there are different possibilities that can almost always be cured naturally.

If someone came to you at every lunch with burgers, fries, and diet coke in their hands, and explained to you that obesity runs in their family, what would you think? “Lady, nobody runs in your family”.

I honestly and truly do understand why some people embrace their labels. It gives them an explanation and a sense of certainty when they feel so lost.

Some people correctly reject medication and choose to visit therapists. But what does a therapist usually do? They listen to you, and help you “cope” with your “depression”, “anxiety”, “OCD”, “PTSD”, etc.

You visit a psychiatrist and they hypnotize you to believe that it’s a chemical imbalance. They show scans from studies that show that people who feel depressed fire off less neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine.

It’s like saying people who are 300 pounds crave more white bread and less vegetables. Obviously! They’ve gotten their body used to that.

It’s one’s beliefs, habitual physiology, focus, and language which determine which neurotransmitters fire. Not the other way around! I have to make this so clear.

The challenge is that most of these “professionals” agree with these limiting and untrue labels, so the client is left even more hopeless. In their need to have some certainty in their lives, they believe what doctors have been telling them.

A true expert knows the truth. A true expert changes the cause, rather than chasing symptoms.

In my experience, deep down everybody is happy, strong, and with high self-esteem. I find the underlying limiting and false beliefs, among other factors, which are currently blocking them from feeling these amazing feelings. Once we easily change the cause, people finally feel alive again!

I’ve had the privilege of seeing client after client wake up and confidently express themselves, rather than believing an untrue label.