The Best Tom Haverford Moments From Parks And Recreation


Tom Haverford is one of the most confident men of his stature. Often known as “the Brown Ryan Gosling,” he loves high fashion, good food and beautiful women. Tom’s played by the hilarious comedian Aziz Ansari who lets a lot his own tastes and personality influence the character — for instance, people constantly ask the Indian Tom Haverford where he’s from, only to hear “South Carolina” (Aziz’s home state). (So see, don’t be racist.)

Tom is one of the silliest characters on Parks and Rec but he’s also got a lot of heart and this season, he’s really growing into a pretty okay adult. I hope Rent-A-Swag takes off. The boy could use some good fortune.

Here are some of the best Tom Haverford moments from the show so far:

1. Tom Explains His Nicknames For Things


I think this is really what put Tom Haverford on the pop culture map. This talking head cut away was so inspired, I was falling on the floor laughing. Just when you think he can’t possibly come up with another gut-busting abbrev for something, he hits the nail on the head again. Hilar. Classic Haverford. Apps n’ zerts, baby.

2. Drunk Tom


Tom Haverford is like an elephant. Let Tom-on-Snake-Juice tell you why.

3. Tom In Court


Tom hits a fire hydrant and is sentenced to no screens (iPhones, computers) for a month. Turns out Tom is a full-on internet addict. (I can relate.) His tweets are hilarious, but his reaction to his sentencing is even funnier. PRESS SEND, BAILIFF.

4. DJ Roomba

In a brilliant move, Tom invents “DJ Roomba,” a little cleaning robot with an iPod attached. Clean your place and hear awesome tunes.

5. Investment Ideas


The more Tom talks, the funnier his lists get. This is Tom rattling off some GREAT business ideas.

6. Treat Yo’self



It’s Treat Yo’self 2011! The one day a year where Tom and Donna Meagle go out and buy a bunch of stuff they don’t need, get massages and drink mimosas. While Donna goes in on a crystal beetle pin, Tom makes himself into a cashmere and velvet burrito. TREAT YO’SELF.

What are some of your favorite Tom Haverford moments?

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