This Is Why I Let That Monster Into My Home, This Is Why I Let Him Have My Children

In horror, I watched as Tommy slowly raised his head to stare back up at my father.

“What the hell,” one of the women breathed, her voice shaking.

There was no blood, no shatter of bone…nothing. Just a dark circle in Tommy’s forehead where the bullet had passed.

“What the fuck are you?” Someone whispered.

Tommy’s eyes spun to the man who had spoken, “I’m Tommy Taffy. And I’m not going anywhere.”

My mother suddenly pointed to the corner of the room, her hand trembling, “Gas…get the gas…”

Megan’s mother went to the far corner of the room and picked up a small red can. I could hear the slosh of gasoline and I smelled it in the air.

My father grabbed the can from her hand, his eyes wide and never leaving Tommy. Without a word, his upended it over the bound man, soaking him.

Tommy kept smiling, “Hehehehehe.”

Another father passed my dad a box of matches.

My father struck one, his hand hovering in the air, “Go back to hell, leave us alone.”

Tommy grinned wider, “Hell is going to seem like a fantasy when I come back for you.”

My father dropped the match and Tommy burst into flame. He didn’t scream, he didn’t thrash …he simply burned.

As his face began to melt, his eyes shifted and suddenly he saw me.


Heart exploding in my throat, I fled back to my room, tears streaming down my face. From the safety of my bed, I eventually heard the neighbors leaving, relief in their voices.

Two weeks later, Tommy came back.

Elias is a prolific author of horror fiction. His books include The Third Parent, The Black Farm, Return to the Black Farm,and The Worst Kind of Monsters.

“Growing up reading the works of King, admiring the art of Geiger, and knowing fiends like Pinhead left me as a pretty jaded horror fan today. It takes a lot to get the breath to hitch in my throat and the hair on the back of my neck to stand on end.. My fiance is quite similar, so when he eagerly begged me to let him read me a short story about The Black Farm by Elias Witherow, I knew it had to be good… And I was not dissapointed. Elias has a way of painting a picture that you can feel with all your senses and plays the tunes of terror created when our world meets one much more dark and forces you to keep turning the pages hungry for more.” —C. Houser

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