Twitter Roundup: What Journalists And Experts Are Tweeting About Ferguson That You Need To Read
Is there a reason why the National Guard hasn't been called in to Ferguson?
— Josh Sternberg (@joshsternberg) August 14, 2014
— Helena (@afroazn) August 12, 2014
Well, @WesleyLowery and I have been released. That was an experience.
— Ryan J. Reilly (@ryanjreilly) August 14, 2014
.@WesleyLowery is currently tweeting some crazy Orwell fanfic. Oh, no, wait–it's actually scenes from America, 2014.
— Neetzan Zimmerman (@neetzan) August 14, 2014
Incredibly powerful picture taken today at Howard University. #MichaelBrown (via @the_blackness48)
— Meredith Frost (@MeredithFrost) August 14, 2014
I counted 70+ SWAT officers. Guns trained on crowds. Insanity.
— Ryan J. Reilly (@ryanjreilly) August 13, 2014
(@NicksNTricks) August 14, 2014
We spend billions to bring "democracy" to Iraq, Afghanistan, etc all while our police use our taxpayer dollars to rob us of civil rights.
— Saint Nicholas (@ThatAwfulNick) August 14, 2014
the people of Ferguson aren’t being treated like a foreign army. they’re being treated like black people in America.
— Mychal Denzel Smith (@mychalsmith) August 14, 2014
FOX News gotta be sick. As much as they wanna kill Obama for sitting on his hands, to do that they'd have to imply that black lives manner
America Is Musty
(@DragonflyJonez) August 14, 2014
Reminder: Ferguson police chief didn't have time to release name of officer or autopsy results but had time to interview with Hannity on Fox
— Matt Murphy (@MattMurph24) August 14, 2014
STL County Police Chief Belmar: "We've done everything we can to demonstrate a remarkable amount of restraint."
— Matt Pearce
(@mattdpearce) August 14, 2014
St. Louis alderman @AntonioFrench has apparently been arrested tonight during the protests in #Ferguson, according to his wife and friends
— Joel D. Anderson
(@byjoelanderson) August 14, 2014
DOJ is lucky to have a gutsy reporter like @Ryanjreilly on our beat. We knew that even before tonight. Glad he and @WesleyLowery are ok.
— Brian Fallon (@brianefallon) August 14, 2014
Wow, this photo of @ryanjreilly being placed under arrest is unreal
— Igor Bobic (@igorbobic) August 14, 2014
The most poignant came from a Californian named Marco Rogers.
Today you realize the gulf between your experience and that of the average black person. But it'll get fuzzy again tomorrow. Don't forget.
— Marco Rogers (@polotek) August 14, 2014
This right here. Which of these 2 sides you're more afraid of is what colors your whole life.
— Marco Rogers (@polotek) August 14, 2014
This is a hard topic. Everything in you is gonna scream at you to turn away. To deny that you've been conditioned with this fear.
— Marco Rogers (@polotek) August 14, 2014
Don't do it. You all need to face the legacy you've been left with. This country was built on a deep seated hate and fear of black people.
— Marco Rogers (@polotek) August 14, 2014
You need to recognize that fear in yourself and get rid of it. Then you need to work on purging it from your culture.
— Marco Rogers (@polotek) August 14, 2014
Your irrational fear of black faces is literally killing us. Because the full weight of this country shows up to "protect" you from us.
— Marco Rogers (@polotek) August 14, 2014