So You’re Not Like “Other Girls.” So What?


I really don’t get it when a girl says, “I am not like the other girls” to every boy she meets. As if it would make her more of a lady and any “other girl” would therefore be — well, less. What does “other girl” mean, anyway?

Is it just because you always decline a shot of tequila and instead dig your nose into books? Does mean you are better and you should earn more respect than someone who would kick back that booze? Is it because you show less skin than the other girls? Does that mean you have a greater capacity to receive more love? And is it because you always go to church? Does it mean anyone who doesn’t is bad, and you are way better?

I don’t think that’s the case.

Sometimes, people try so hard to be different from anyone and everyone they possibly can, that they tend to end up as similar without noticing it. But you don’t have to be what they are not just to have your sense of dignity or whatever it is that you think might feed your soul. Everybody — even those people you considered as any “other girls” — deserves to be loved the way they want to be. And in order to achieve that, I believe it should not be encompassed in the way you differ from them or how much better you think you are than them. I believe it should be about how you act naturally without trying to compete with the people who surround you. After all, what are you competing for?

Wearing girly make-up is okay, as is wearing dark lipstick, and so is going out in sneakers. Reading books late at night would never make you a saint just because somewhere in another part of town, “other girls” are partying at that same time. At the end of the day, acceptance would prevail if that person to whom you’re trying to prove yourself really loves you. If it doesn’t, then you don’t have to prove your worth by trying to be unique.

Just wait. “The One” will come by, and they’ll just so happen to love every single detail of you.

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