If You Miss Them, Tell Them


It doesn’t matter if you are a friend, a best friend, a lover, a classmate or just a simple stranger to someone. You are going to be missed. You are going to miss her. You are going to miss him. You are going to miss you.

It doesn’t matter if you are just a person I saw once on the street… I am going to miss you. I am going to tell my friends about how beautifully your lips curved into a wide smile while you were talking on the phone. I am going to remember the way your attention was captured by a book or about how lost you were looking at the swings when you sat on one of the benches of Central Park. Maybe you are just a stranger, but you are a friend too, a best friend too, maybe a lover too. To a someone, a someone who is not me, but if your heart is not beating for me, it is beating for other people and that is enough. I will miss you though.

It doesn’t matter if you are a just a classmate. I am going to miss the way you talk about your favourite band with your friend with that huge excitement. I am going to tell my mom about your unique style and memorable jokes. I am going to carry you in my heart because it doesn’t matter if you were not a friend of mine. You are a friend, a best friend, maybe a lover too to someone and that is enough. Maybe you are just some stranger that made another person smile and that makes you worth remembering.

It doesn’t matter if you are just a friend of mine, I will miss you and not because of your title, but because of your honest friendship. I will miss the laughs and the tears. I will miss the silly decisions and the crazy moments. I will miss the way you make me feel alive. And it doesn’t matter if you are someone’s else friend or best friend. I won’t say the lover part too because it is not ethical. *funny* Coming back, it doesn’t matter, because you were a friend  to me too and this is enough.

It doesn’t matter if you are my best friend, because I won’t miss you for the “best,” I will miss you for you. I am going to tell everyone about your own support and way to see the good of everything. I am going to miss the person who chose me in the moment I chose too.
It doesn’t matter if you were just a lover. Or if you are. You were what my heart needed. Or you are still that. And this is enough.

My point? We should miss each other for who we are and not for who we claim to be.

Moreover, we should tell each other about how much we miss each other. Because you tell a stranger about how much you miss a friend and you tell a friend about how much you miss that classmate and feel sorry because you never talk to he or she. Because you tell your best friend about how much you miss a friend. And because you tell everyone about that lover. We tell the sun about how much we love the moon and the moon thinks that it is not loved.

We say too little, show too little and live with the feeling of missing. Such a waste of love.