Five Years Of Donald Trump Calling Famous People ‘Dummy’ On Twitter (Starting With Jon Stewart)


From 2011 to today, Trump has called some person or organization “dummy” 68 times starting with Barack Obama. Below are 23 times he called a famous person dummy. The other 45 times, he was often just calling nobodies “dummy”. 

1. Jon Stewart

2. Russell Brand

3. Bill Maher

4. Mark Cuban – Billionaire

5. Michelle Malkin – Conservative Commenter

6. Karl Rove – Republican Strategist

7. Danny Zuker – Producer of “Modern Family”

8. Rosie O’Donnell

9. Senator John McCain – Recognized War Hero

10. Ariana Huffington – Founder, Huffington Post

11. John Kasich – Republican Governor, Ohio and Presidential Candidate

12. Barack Obama