The Top 10 Reasons I’ll Miss Hearing Letterman Do The Top 10


David Letterman is the best. I was going to finish that sentence with something about the world of broadcasting, late night television, or comedy but that wouldn’t do him justice. Letterman is the, hashtag, best, hashtag, ever, hashtag. And for those of us making a living—or at least paying rent and Los Angeles parking tickets—through comedy will forever be in his shadows. Here’s why.

1. I don’t know anyone else who says “Honest to God” anymore.

2. Dave Letterman doesn’t give a fuck.

3. When he does, it means everything.

4. Dat teeth gap tho.

5. Nobody else can give his (grand)fatherly advice to the young stars and starlets who desperately need a Letterman-style ass-kicking.

6. He doesn’t need fancy cars or motorcycles or denim jackets or other peoples’ TV shows.

7. Bill Murray’s been willing to hang out with him over and over again.

8. Bill O’Reilly’s been willing to get his ass whooped by him over and over again.

9. He’s helped us all during our darkest times.

10. He is one of the weirdest men alive—not to mention one of the weirdest-looking men alive—and he became the epitome of what it means to be mainstream. Thanks for changing the landscape for the rest of us goofballs, Dave. And thanks for the laughs.