Don’t Be Afraid To Take A Chance On Me


You might be scared to ruin this friendship we found in each other that you are so careful with every move you make, or every word you say. We all know that tinkering with this very fine line between friendship and love is usually an all-or-nothing situation, but, dear, don’t be afraid to take a chance on me.

Don’t be afraid to ask me out. It doesn’t have to be in an expensive Italian restaurant with violins playing. A coffee or hot chocolate on a cold day will do. As long as I can spend time with you and get to know you more, it would be lovely. Ask me out because I will say yes. Take a chance on me.

In a very ordinary day, send me a flower. Don’t be afraid to give me the red, red rose you spotted in that flower shop. I will take it, put it in a lovely vase and display it on my night stand so I could look at it before I sleep and remember how you made my day special. I will take care of it so that it will not wither quickly. Dear, don’t be afraid to take a chance on me.

Don’t be afraid to hold my hand while we’re walking side by side in the park, arms and knuckles brushing. Slide your fingers in between mine, because I will do the same. Hold it tight as if you don’t want to let go. I will feel the warmth of your hands in mine. Don’t be afraid to take a chance on me.

When you’re tired, don’t be afraid to lay your head on my lap. I will sing you a song or hum you a melody and brush your hair until you fall asleep. I will watch you quietly as you take a rest. My mind will paint you in my memory, so that I can always remember the peaceful look on your face. Dear, take a chance on me. Don’t be afraid.

Don’t be afraid to wrap your arms around me, when I, trying to hold back tears, tell you about the very good book or sad movie I just finished. Allow me to cry on your shoulders until I regain myself. Dear, hug me tight because you are the comfort I need. Don’t be afraid to take a chance on me.

If there is really something between us just like how you are making me feel, then reach for me, dear. Don’t just stand there, staring. Don’t just look into my eyes with those piercing sweet orbs. Plant a kiss on my forehead after walking me home. Don’t be afraid to take a chance on me.

Most of all, if you love me, tell me.

Do not be afraid to ask if you can date me, because I’ve been waiting all this time just to hear it from you. You don’t know how I much I think about it every night after your ‘good nights’ and ‘sweet dreams’. Dear, take a chance on me because I feel the same way about you.

Don’t just let the time pass. Don’t just let someone take me away and regret it later. I won’t need fancy surprises and candle light dinners. I will just need to hear your sincere heart put into words. No, you will not look silly. Dear, you will be wonderful. You are wonderful.

So don’t be afraid to take a chance on me, because I might just be waiting for you.