How To Keep The Parents Happy Whilst Traveling


How ever old you are you’ll always be their ‘baby’ so we have to understand that they’re going to think about you all the time whilst you’re gallivanting around the globe.

They can be annoying but in reality all they want to know is that your safe and having the time of your life.

Here’s my tips for keeping them happy:

Get them on What’s App

It’s what I recommend to talk to any of your friends/family whilst traveling because you can use it for free on Wi-Fi. Your parents can see when you were last online so if you don’t reply straight away they’ll know your alive.

Check in with them every once in a while

You’ll be on Wi-Fi often so you can easily drop them a message and tell them your whereabouts, you can also call on What’s app for as long as you want. Genius. If you’re not a fan, there’s also FaceTime and iMessage, Viber and Facebook. Endless options for free communication.

Let them know your itinerary

So they have an idea where in the world you are and who you’re with. You should always tell someone where you are anyway, especially if you’re traveling solo. Also tell them when you are coming home, get a cheeky lift home from the airport.

Get good insurance

This is for you, always pick a good one, they are 100 percent worth the extra £30 or so to get the best cover. Plus it will keep your parents happy knowing your covered for any injuries, theft or anything that’s highly unlikely to go wrong.

Keep them sweet

Tell them you miss them once in a while and keep checking in and letting them know what you’re up to. Remember, if you come into any trouble with money or any matter, they are the ones you’re going to contact and ask for help.

Bring them a souvenir

They always love that shit.

Send them photos of your travels

Send them snaps of your experiences, it’s free to send via What’s App. Maybe you can make them jealous, then they will fly out to visit you and treat you to a week of luxury. That’s the plan.

Send them a postcard

Old school, but they will be made up when they see it in the post box and know that you’ve taken time out to write it. That is super son/daughter sucking up.

That’s should do it. It doesn’t take a lot, just make a little effort. You’ll miss them too of course, when you’re sober every once in a while or have a moment to think in between all the incredible stuff you’ll be doing.