6 Important Truths About College (That Nobody Really Tells You)


1. Getting high grades won’t automatically convert into your dream job.

Yes, it’s something to brag about and it boost your self-confidence but having high grades doesn’t mean you’re ready to go out there in the real world. Grades are only significant as it shows how well you do in your major, but they mean nothing if you cannot communicate well with people.

2. It is important to experience failure.

Failure is something that most of us are afraid of, but geniuses like Einstein and successful entrepreneurs like Steve Forbes failed early and often. Be a risk-taker and learn from your mistakes. Conquer your fear of failure and make your dream possible.

3. Experiences and activities are as important as keeping high grades.

This has something to do with #1. Take advantage of school and community involvements. If you’re interested in a lot of different things it is important to be involved in related activities. Enjoy using your talents and help others by sharing it. Involvement will help you learn responsibility. Remember, it’s a matter of balancing work and play, so get involved in activities that will help you practice not just your academic skills but also talents. This will help you learn new things.

“Your BA degree is only the floor mat at the door of opportunity. Experience actually opens the door.” –Jo Smith

4. Thesis will automatically filter out who your real friends are.

 All those who are taking this and already gone through with the ordeal of friends or random individuals taking responsibilities and working as a team, if that’s what you’d call it. This will temper your trust between you and your teammates since you will be working with them for a long time. But this is actually the test. How well can you communicate with your team members, how can you push your colleagues as well as yourself to actually finish it,  can I trust these people the key to my graduation march? Choose your friends wisely. It’s a dog-eat-dog world out there, and this is just the start of it. It’s not me saying this, it’s an idea that came from my friend Enzo which I also can relate to during my hectic days in college.

5. Start Building a bigger network.

Go out and make friends. Create a bigger network. Don’t just sit in front of a book studying all day. Creating a bigger network means widening your access to people. Believe me, you’ll learn more significant things from the people you meet and it could be helpful to your future career. Consider it as another avenue to learn new ideas. There’s nothing more valuable than learning from the experiences of others. Hearing their success stories and failure stories as well would be a lot more inspiring to continue the learning process.

Relationship is a compound of success. Everyone would love to work with people they know and trust. Who knows, maybe even before you graduate you’ll get the job you want.

6. Discover the element of life as early as now.

Start your life plan NOW. Try to find your balance between school and co-curricular as early as today. Picture your life as a whole and look at how things work. As soon as you enter college, continuously be aware of the real world – your life after graduation. I didn’t mean to scare you about the real world but there’s nothing more relieving than knowing what you’re doing even though you think you’re not ready for it yet. Nobody feels they’re ready anyway, life is faster than you think so don’t sit and wait.

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