Just When You Get Over Them, They Come Back


One day it is going to happen.

We hope and think that day never comes, but it does.

Yesterday everything was so perfect

But today.

Today they want nothing to do with you.

You’ve held on so long because you would do anything for them.

You would die for them.

They have a huge piece of your heart.

One day they will start to reply slower. Not say as much, and you will wonder why they are acting that way.

You send text after text after text, but they do not reply.

Finally, they reply.

They tell you it is over and that they cannot be in the relationship anymore.

You apologize even though you did nothing wrong just to try to get them to stay.

You will say anything to get them to change their mind. But you can’t.

It is over, and it hurts so much.

They don’t even give you an explanation because they are too childish to deal with the mess they have created. It is what they want, but they do not want to deal with it.

A couple days go by and they change their profile picture, so then you have to as well.

You don’t want to but it is what’s best.

A week goes by and it seems like the longest week of your life.

You haven’t talked to them.

It hurts because they are what you first thought of in the morning and the last thing you thought of before you fell asleep.

Their name stops appearing on your phone and then you start questioning yourself what you did wrong for this to happen.

But you know you did nothing. It wasn’t you. It was them.

You’ve come to the stage where you are still hurt but you are also angry.

How could someone that cared about you and loved you so much one day do this the next day?

You think you still want to be with them and that you would do anything to get them back, but you are not sure. They hurt you a lot. Hurt you a great deal that you didn’t deserve.

All you ever did was care for them and love them. And sure, no relationship is perfect but you would do anything for the relationship out of love.

You see that they have been hanging out with new friends and new girls or guys and it hurts more again.

They might even block you on social media and that will make you mad.

They have not stopped thinking about you. It is impossible, but they are trying to block the thoughts out.

Weeks and months will go by, and it starts to get a little easier each day.

They won’t be all you ever think about anymore. Sure you will still think about them, but they will not let them consume your thoughts.

The time comes when you finally feel free from them and you feel like you do not want to be with them anymore.

But sadly, that is the time that they come crawling back to you, Just when you got over them.

But you can’t let them back in.