15 Things Only People Who Are Absolutely Terrible At Math Will Understand


1. You still rely heavily on using your fingers to count things.

2. You live in fear of the day your phone dies before you can use your tip calculator to figure out your restaurant bill.

3. You took the least required amount of math classes as you could possibly get away with.

4. And you were miserable whenever you couldn’t escape them.

5. You want to kiss the feet of whoever invented calculators because seriously, BLESS YOU.

6. When you end up having to use math in real life, you curse that teacher you had who said, “You’ll need this eventually.”

7. You were an ace at reading and comprehension in school. But math could go ahead and kiss your ass.

8. Finding X always seemed pointless. Shouldn’t you just move on already?! Forget about that lame X. They never even loved you.

9. When you find someone who genuinely enjoys math, you marvel that such a creature exists.

10. Doing your taxes is an actual nightmare.

11. You figure it’s best to just marry an accountant so you’re covered.

12. You get really stressed when someone asks you a math question out of the blue.

13. You are always amazed by people who can solve equations in their head.

14. You low-key freak out even when you DO know the answer.

15. When everyone tries to remind you how important math is, you’re kind of just like:
