17 Thoughts All Night Owls Have First Thing In The Morning


1. “No.”

2. “Seriously. No.”

3. “Did I even sleep? How can I be this exhausted after…sleeping? WHAT WAS THE POINT OF EVEN GOING TO BED?!”

4. “Need coffee IV. Stat.”


6. “Listen, Sun, I see you out there being bright and it’s cute, really. But could you just chill for a minute?”

7. “I just need 15 more minutes…”

8. “Okay, there is NO way that was 15 minutes. I barely even blinked.”

9. “Yeah, I don’t trust my clock. That couldn’t have been 15 minutes, soooo I better take another 15.”

10. *an hour later* “HOW AM I STILL SO TIRED?”

11. “If the early bird gets the worm, then maybe the night owl gets something way more delicious? Why would I want a disgusting worm? You know, I’m good.”


13. “I don’t see why I can’t just go full nocturnal. Think I could get away with convincing people I’m a vampire?”

14. “How does anyone get up and go jogging at this ungodly hour?”

15. “Nothing good happens before 10 AM.”

16. “Good morning? NO. SUCH. THING.”

17. “Okay, seriously, just 5 more minutes…” *hit snooze button*