18 Moments That Prove Larry David Should Be King Of The World


1. When he vocalized every homebody’s ultimate fantasy.

2. When he reacted to an unwanted hug the way you wish you could.

3. His face = how it feels to be in your early twenties.

4. When he accurately described the horror of running into an acquaintance on the street.

5. When he reminded us how dumb we all look at Starbucks.

6. When you’re single and around touchy-feely couples.

7. Side eye. All the side eye.

8. When he helped us prep for that important job interview.


9. And you can’t forget his lessons on identity and self-esteem.

10. When he provided you with the perfect Tinder bio.

11. When he made critical and valuable observations.

12. When everything was the worst, but at least Larry understood you.

13. When he had the perfect response to “Smile!”

14. When he had an answer to the question: “Why don’t we ever hang out?”

15. Just. This.

16. When he understood the daily struggle of retail workers.

17. When he didn’t know what to eat because YES, THIS IS A DIFFICULT DECISION!

18. When this happened. (Pro tip: play Beyoncé songs while watching)

In conclusion, Larry, you are everything. Thank you for existing.