The Music’s Changed, But Everyone Is Acting Like It Isn’t


The music industry doesn’t exist the way that it used to. You’ll never have another star like the stars of the past.

The American music industry was once a glamorous place. Filled with promise. Having the outward appearance of paradise. Living within it were these so called “Rockstars”. They were like royalty with talent, they played instruments, living in large mansions or castles with swimming pools and tennis courts. On the road most of the time destroying hotel rooms, throwing TV sets out of 12th floor windows. Driving $100,000 cars into pools and snorting $100,000 worth of cocaine. Immortal by their words. Constantly surrounded by beautiful women willing to do whatever they say. The marketing behind it had, maybe still has, every 16 year-old wanting to be these rockstars, living the life you could only some what imagine.

The American music industry that once was, is dead.

Most of the artists you think of as rich, are not.

They are broke, dreaming of fame and fortune. Living with their parents directly before and after their brush with fame. Feeling the withdrawal symtoms of magazine cover glory. Or some that never make it at all.

Outside of maybe 4-7 acts, these artists are no longer enjoying the luxury of their private jet to go to the other side of the world. They are riding coach. What was once a tour bus is now a cargo van or sometimes train. The cheapest possible route. Making money from ticket sales and merchandise. Bands you’ve heard of. And assume are rich, just are not. They are feeding into the perpetuation of the music industry.

Think about it. What is their product? NO ONE buys CDs. So artists are pumping money, time, energy into a product that literally no longer sells.

Which explains how MTV went the route of reality TV. Because there is no return off of advertising music because there is no product. Most if not all music shows in English speaking countries have more or less completely disappeared. Because they were commercials for the CDs. And nothing more.

The only money in the music industry at a major label standpoint is from shows, merchandise, and any kind of advertising clients or endorsements that they pick up for the artists.

Labels buy Facebook likes, YouTube views, Twitter followers, and so on.

They buy radio time from DJs or program directors they have made relationships with. Take them out to dinner, maybe the strip club. Hang out with them get to know them.

They buy billboards, and literally the Billboard. Inflating numbers by buying their own albums, promoting big game and making their artist seem like it’s something.
Downloadable music is the biggest thing to happen to music since the Beatles, and the major label music industry has NO IDEA how to deal with it.

Long have passed the era Hunter S. Thompson somewhat famously described as “a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There’s also a negative side.” but everyone is acting like everything is still the same.

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