This Is The Kind Of Love You Should Pursue


In search for the love you want and hope for, you’ll meet different kinds of love in its many forms. Some will fail you and still leave you empty, but in your search, you’ll meet one that will fully satisfy all the longings of your heart. That’s the kind of love you should pursue.

Pursue love that is patient, one that will keep knocking on the closed doors of your heart until you welcome him inside. Patient love will always wait for you, even when it doesn’t get anything from you. It will never tire of you. It will always make itself available until the time you finally open the knob and welcome him into your life.

Pursue love that honors and respects you, one that will not focus on what he can get from you but on how he can lavish you with what he has.

The love you deserve and should pursue is the love that will not make you compromise your worth and your purity. A love that lusts is not the kind of love that lasts.

Pursue love that will see you as a precious pearl, even when all you see yourself as is a muddy stone stained by your past experiences.

Pursue love that will polish you instead of stain you – that is what you deserve.

Pursue the love that will see past your failures and still accept you as you are with no reservations.

You will be brokenhearted by love, both the real and fake kind. Fake love will break your heart and change you for his own benefit; real love won’t. Real love, although it will break his heart too, will break and correct you for your own good. It is not self-seeking and it rejoices with the truth.

Pursue the kind that will only break your heart for you to become the better version of yourself.

Pursue love that’s more than the romantic kind. Flowers, kisses, hugs, date nights, chocolates, and romance will come and pass, but gifts of hope and a changed life will transcend time.

Pursue love that’s willing to die for your salvation – the love that instead of a heart, has the cross as its symbol. Because when you do, your life will never be the same again.

Pursue love that doesn’t only fall for you, but one who commits to you. It won’t bring you confusions nor make you question its intentions. It offers clarity and security. Committed love won’t have any expiration date. It will always stay even when emotions aren’t met. It knows no conditions; it just loves.

Pursue love that never fails, love that always endures. Although you will fail and give up at love many times, love at its realest and purest form will never fail and give up on you. It’s the kind of love that comes from God, the Author of Love, alone.

This is the love you should pursue – the kind of love that never stopped and will never stop pursuing you.