24 Unproductive Things Students Do Instead Of Studying For Finals


1. Make a list of things you do instead of studying for finals.

2. Actual work while at work.

3. Play “Ruzzle” on your phone for 3 hours straight.

4. Make a month long workout plan and quit halfway through the first week.

5. Pull out all your syllabus and look for loop-holes, example: I found if I miss one exam my professor will replace the missed exam with the final exam grade.

6. Do the math to figure out the bare minimum you will have to make on your final to get a D in the class.

7. Ask your boyfriend to hit you with his truck.

8. Read through your entire health insurance plan.

9. Make some hot lemon tea.

10. Eat 4 croissants.

11. Paint your nails.

12. Take your nail polish off.

13. Repaint your nails.

14. Delete 950 screenshots from your camera roll.

15. Stalk your ex’s new girlfriend.

16. Text your best friend about his new girlfriend’s weight gain.

17. Sign up for free coupons.

18. Buy your friends Christmas gifts they do not need.

19. Tell your mom you want to come home.

20. Start to cry and eat 3 more croissants.

21. Get bubble gum and try making bubbles for 45 minutes.

22. Compare calories in your two favorite drinks.

23. Take a shot of Jack.

24. Decide accounting is stupid, and shoot for the stars of the D- you so desperately need.